Surviving a Coding Boot Camp Week 10

Surviving a Coding Boot Camp Week 10

Surviving a Coding Boot Camp Week 10

  • CodeCamp Admin

  • 5 minute read

Week Ten: JavaScript Module

  • This week at Tech Elevator, we focused on the JavaScript module.

  • We covered topics such as functions, document manipulation, and event handlers.

  • I feel confident in my understanding of JavaScript and have been able to help my classmates and the teacher.

  • I'm relieved to be in the front end module after finding the second module challenging.

Enjoyment of Helping Others

  • I really enjoy helping my classmates and the teacher in our programming class.

  • Although the second module was difficult, I am excited about programming.

  • I particularly enjoy working with JavaScript because of its flexibility and lack of strict rules.

  • Our instructor even refers to JavaScript as "drunk uncle JavaScript" due to its lack of rules.

Preference for JavaScript over Java

  • I prefer JavaScript over Java because of its flexibility and lack of strict rules.

  • I feel more confident with JavaScript and have been able to grasp its concepts more easily.

  • However, I am nervous about finding a job soon.

Nervousness about Finding a Job

  • As my time at Tech Elevator is coming to an end, I am feeling nervous about finding a job.

  • I have another baby on the way, so finding a job is crucial for me.

  • I have been heavily networking and trying to make connections in the industry.

  • I know that the job search process can be challenging, but I am hopeful for a positive outcome.

Vue Framework and Mixed Emotions

  • Next week, we will be working with the Vue framework.

  • I am excited about learning something new, but I have mixed emotions about it.

  • In a future update, I mention that Vue is not fun and I am not having a good time with it.

  • We will be covering topics such as components, routers, and event handling.

Graduation and Starting a New Career

  • The course is coming to an end, with a few more lessons left and a two-week capstone project.

  • My graduation date is approaching, and I am feeling a mix of nervousness, excitement, and anticipation.

  • I am looking forward to starting a new career in tech and applying the skills I have learned.

  • I know that the journey ahead won't be easy, but I am determined to stay positive, disciplined, and persistent.

Thank you for your support, and I can't wait to share more updates with you in the future!


1. Q: What topics did William cover in the JavaScript module at Tech Elevator? 

   A: William covered functions, document manipulation, and event handlers. 


2. Q: How does William feel about helping classmates and the teacher? 

   A: William enjoys helping classmates and the teacher in their programming class. 


3. Q: Which module did William find challenging at Tech Elevator? 

   A: William found the second module challenging. 


4. Q: Why does William enjoy working with JavaScript? 

   A: William enjoys working with JavaScript due to its flexibility and lack of strict rules. 


5. Q: What is William's preference between JavaScript and Java? 

   A: William prefers JavaScript over Java. 


6. Q: Why is William nervous about finding a job soon? 

   A: William is nervous about finding a job soon due to having another baby on the way. 


7. Q: What framework will William be working with next week? 

   A: William will be working with the Vue framework next week. 


8. Q: How does William feel about working with the Vue framework? 

   A: William has mixed emotions about working with the Vue framework, mentioning that it is not fun. 


9. Q: What topics will William cover in the upcoming Vue module? 

   A: William will cover topics such as components, routers, and event handling in the upcoming Vue module. 


10. Q: How much time is left in the Tech Elevator course? 

    A: There are a few more lessons left and a two-week capstone in the Tech Elevator course. 


11. Q: When is William's graduation date from Tech Elevator? 

    A: William's graduation date from Tech Elevator is mentioned but not provided in the outline. 


12. Q: How does William feel about starting a new career in tech? 

    A: William expresses excitement, nervousness, and anticipation for starting a new career in tech. 


13. Q: What advice does William give for starting a new career in tech? 

    A: William emphasizes the importance of staying positive, disciplined, and persistent when starting a new career in tech. 


14. Q: How does William describe the challenges in the tech field? 

    A: William acknowledges the challenges in the tech field but highlights its rewarding nature. 


15. Q: What is William's overall sentiment towards their experience at Tech Elevator? 

    A: William expresses excitement and enjoyment for their experience at Tech Elevator. 


16. Q: How does William feel about their progress in the JavaScript module? 

    A: William expresses confidence in their understanding of JavaScript. 


17. Q: Why does the instructor refer to JavaScript as "drunk uncle JavaScript"? 

    A: The instructor refers to JavaScript as "drunk uncle JavaScript" due to its lack of rules. 


18. Q: How does William feel about networking at Tech Elevator? 

    A: William mentions heavily networking and the importance of it. 


19. Q: What is William's attitude towards the upcoming work with the Vue framework? 

    A: William expresses some excitement about working with the Vue framework. 


20. Q: How does William conclude their update on their Tech Elevator experience? 

    A: William concludes by thanking viewers for their support and looking forward to the next week.